Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 12: Pre-Research and Choosing an Organization

Today, I'd like to begin class by having a short discussion about where we are now and the direction the course will be taking from here on out. To do this, I'l be consulting this  document. It will updated with new information as we finish Unit 2 and move on to Unit 3. If you have any questions about the class' focus, please consult this document first. 

After this short progress overview, we will continue our discussion about the characteristics of a good research paper topic and your small groups will present on the topic you've chosen. From there, we will move on to a discussion of how to do good pre-research investigation into a given research paper topic. Finally, we will end by discussing how to find an organization that is working to solve the problem implied in the topic we've chosen. 

An outline for today's class can be found below: 

Pre-Research and Choosing an Organization

I. Topic Presentations
We'll begin today's class with your topic presentations. Each group will be given one minute to explain why the topic they've chosen is a good research paper topic by explaining how it meets the criteria we discussed in class on Tuesday. After each group has presented, we will decide on the best topic through a vote. This topic will then be used as our class demo topic for the rest of Unit 2. 

*Remember, you will be asked to submit your own research paper topic (complete with a justification as to why it meets the requirements we've discussed) by tomorrow (Friday, Oct 4th) by 11:55pm. The final IRP topics will be stored via a GoogleDoc here.

II. Pre-Research: Brainstorming 
Before we begin the pre-research process, consider these questions: why is pre-research important? What information are we trying to gain from pre-research? Why don't we just start looking for sources in the library database collection? How does pre-research make finding sources easier/more effective? Where are good places to begin your pre-research? 

III. Pre-Researching the Demo Topic
Now that we have a demo topic and a better understanding of the reason why pre-research is important, let's do some practice. In groups of three, fill out the categories of this  document based on the demo topic. Every group needs to contribute something to each of the five categories. 

IV. Choosing an Organization 
Per the description of the task, one of the necessary components of the IRP paper in 115 is finding an organization that is working to find solutions to the problem you choose to investigate. This can be a little tricky, but luckily, we have a good presentation on the characteristics of a good organization here.

For more practice, look at this  checklist and the example.

Housekeeping and Homework for Tuesday (October 8th, 2013)
-For Tomorrow at 11:55pm: Submit the topic checklist for the topic you would like to do for the IRP. You must submit your topic for my approval, which you must receive before moving on to the other parts of this assignment. There is a good chance I will ask you to modify some aspect of your topic. Don't worry! This is all part of the unpredictable process of research paper writing. As long as you email me your completed topic checklist, I will give you full credit for the assignment. 

-Review the Pre-Research Portfolio Overview: Even though we talked about this in class, I would like you to review the information found here before next class, so that we are all "on the same page". Also, please let me know if you have any questions. 

-Review the Pre-Research Portfolio Template: Review this document. Once your topic has been approved, I will send you a version of this document that will be shared between you and I. Filling out this portfolio is the major assignment for Unit 2. For now, you don't have to do anything, but once your topic is approved, you'll be asked to start filling out steps 1 and 2. 

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