Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 15: Pre-Research Thesis Statements and the "Rough" Outline

While it may feel like we just started Unit 2, we are actually almost at the end! I'd like to begin class today with another short overview of where we've been and where we're going. Here is a list of the modules for Unit 2 for ESL 115C: 

Module 2.1 Understanding, Identifying and Avoiding Plagiarism 
Module 2.2 Library Day
Module 2.3 The Research Process/Choosing a (Demo) Topic
Module 2.4 Pre-Research/Choosing an Organization
Module 2.5 Choosing an Organization/Critical Thinking 
Module 2.6 Critical Thinking/Research Paper Thesis Statements
Module 2.7 A "Rough" Outline for the Research Paper/Discussing Pre-Research Progress

As you can see via the blue highlight, today we will be talking about writing a "first-draft" of the thesis statements for our eventual final essay. Again, this is a first draft. You will have the flexibility to change what you've written as your progress throughout the research and writing process. BUT! You draft will also be graded as part of the final "Pre-Research Portfolio". Here is the link to the "Pre-Research Portfolio Overview" doc. You can check your progress against where you should be on this doc. Finally, here is the link to our work for the class "Demo Topic".

Speaking of the final "Portfolio". It will be due this Saturday, October 19th, at 11:55pm. Here is the rubric I will be using to grade your portfolios. I will give you the submission information as part of the "Houskeeping Details and Homework" section of the blog post for next class. 

The outline for today's class can be found below: 

"Pre-Research Thesis Statements" 

I. Brainstorming
Before we discuss as a class, please take a moment to read this link on the definition of "research" and the difference between "argumentative" and "analytical" writing. Then try and answer the following questions: 

-What is research? What does it involve? What is it not? 
-What is the major goal of an argumentative essay? What kind of topics are dealt with in argumentative writing? Can you give an example of argumentative writing that you've done in the past? 
-What is the major goal of an analytical essay? What is the goal of an analytical research paper? 
-What are the components of any good thesis statement? Can you think of a good thesis statement for our class demo topic? 

II. Analytical Thesis Statements 
To begin, let's take a look at what OWL Purdue has to say about writing an analytical thesis statement by clicking on this link. Some important considerations for writing analytical thesis statements include: 

-Breaks down the problem into component parts
-Presents possible solutions 
-Easily understood by the audience

Now, on your piece of paper, take no more than 5 minutes and try and come up with a good analytic thesis statement for our class demo topic, the organization we've chosen and the solutions it proposes.  Look at these examples for some inspiration.

Demo Topic: The Rising Cost of Tuition at U.S. Universities 
Organization: The Center for College Affordability and Productivity
Proposed Solutions: 1). Offering 3-year bachelor degrees, 2). ending the "Athletics Arms Race" and 3). move more classes online. 

After you come up with your individual conceptions, you will be divided into groups of three. Your group task will be to try and come to an agreement on the best "working" thesis statement possible. When you've decided on your group thesis statement, please upload it to this document. From here, we will discuss similarities and differences. 

III. The Components of an Analytical Thesis Statement
Now, fill out this worksheet that asks you to identify the different components of an analytical thesis statement. After, we will discuss the answers as a class. Finally, in the same groups, take a few minutes to fill out this worksheet which compares building a thesis statement to building a house. 

IV. Individual Work Time/Questions
Any time left during class will be dedicated to giving you a chance to make sure "Steps #1-5" of your own "Pre-Research Portfolio" are completed and to give you chance to ask me questions about any questions you may have. 

Housekeeping Details and Homework for Thursday (10/17/2013)
-Fill out Step #6 of your "Pre-Research Portfolio" where you are asked to create a pre-research thesis statement for your research paper topic. 

-Fill out both APA Thesis Statement exercises in "Writer's Help" ("Exercise: Thesis Statements in APA  Papers 1 and 2")

-Finish any remaining work you may have left for Steps #1-5 on your "Pre-Research Portfolio" (for partial initial credit). 

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