Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 13: Choosing an Organization, Evaluating Solutions and Critical Thinking

As we move farther into Unit 2, I'd like to begin class today with a short overview of where we've been and where we're going. Here is a list of the modules for Unit 2 for ESL 115C: 

Module 2.1 Understanding, Identifying and Avoiding Plagiarism 
Module 2.2 Library Day
Module 2.3 The Research Process/Choosing a (Demo) Topic
Module 2.4 Pre-Research/Choosing an Organization
Module 2.5 Choosing an Organization/Critical Thinking 
Module 2.6 Critical Thinking/Research Paper Thesis Statements
Module 2.7 A "Rough" Outline for the Research Paper
Module 2.8 Research Paper Discussion Day

After the final discussion day, you will be asked to submit your "Pre-Research Portfolio". This is a document that I have shared with each individual in class. You job is to fill out the portfolio with the information about your topic that you gain during the pre-research process. Here is a copy of the rubric I will use to grade your portfolio. If you are ever confused about what kind of information to provide for a particular step in the process, please consult this helpful guide.

After this overview, I think we're ready to start today's class. The outline can be found below: 

I. Review of Critical Thinking Vocabulary
To begin class today, let's review the definitions you created for the critical thinking vocabulary from last week. Here is a reminder of the terms: 


II. Brainstorming: Characteristics of a Good Organization
Since one of the primary components of the final research paper involves finding an organization that is working to solve the problem implied in your topic, what do you think the characteristics of a good organization should be? Can you think of adjectives that you would use to describe a good organization? Why did you choose these words? 

III. Choosing an Organization 
Let's take a look at this presentation that outlines the characteristics of an appropriate organization for the final research. Afterwards, you can consult this handout that outlines the characteristics of a good organization. There is also a built-in practice component. 

IV. Using "Associations Unlimited" to Find an Organization for Our Demo Topic
Remember: our demo topic is "The Raising Cost of College Tuition at U.S. Universities". Now we need to find a credible organization working to solve the problem. First, let's review this flow chart which offers a step-by-step guide to the kind of considerations you'll be making when you choose your organization. Then, let's practice using "Association Unlimited" and Google to evaluate the organizations on this list and decide which would be the best for our topic. 

V. Finding Organizations for Your Topic 
For those of you who have an approved topic, you can now start applying the same process we used to find an organization for the demo topic to finding an organization for your topic. Be sure to update your "Pre-Research Portfolio" with your information. If your topic hasn't yet been approved, you can use this time to decide on a topic and have a conference with me to approve it. 

Housekeeping Details and Homework for Thursday (Oct. 10th, 2013)
-Review your graded "Diagnostic Assignments" and let me know if you have any questions. 

-Begin filling out your "Pre-Research Portfolio". By Thursday, please fill out columns #1-4. If you cannot find an organization that offers three solutions, you may have to change topics. Remember, if  your topic hasn't been approved by me, you cannot start filling out your "Pre-Research Portfolio". 

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