Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 19: Introduction to the Annotated Bibliography and Reference Page Citations


I hope this post finds everyone well and relaxed after an enjoyable weekend. In today's class, we will continue our discussion of research themes with an overview the features of an APA-style annotated bibliography as well as an overview and some practice with writing reference page citations. This is a crucially important lesson, not just because the major assignment for Unit 3 asks you to create your own (properly formatted) annotated bibliography (featuring a minimum of five sources) for the research you've done for your individual problem-solution research papers. Also, this is the first of a group of units designed to help you perfect your citation skills, a vital skill when doing EAP writing.

Here's a review of progress throughout Unit 3 so far (today's lesson topics are highlighted in blue):

Module 3.1 Evaluating Sources
Module 3.2 Choosing Sources 
Module 3.3 An Introduction to the Annotated Bibliography
Module 3.4 Reference Page Citations
Module 3.5 Source Reliability 
Module 3.6 Source Relevancy 
Module 3.7 Summarizing Sources

An outline of today's class can be found below: 

Intro to the Annotated Bibliography and Reference Page Citations  
I. APA Student Handbook Quiz (Part 1)
As I mentioned last week, we will be having the first of two (possibly three) short quizzes designed to test your familiarity with the APA Student Handbook

II. Brainstorming: The APA Annotated Bibliography
Why is important to include a bibliography as part of any EAP essay? Why are we writing our bibliography before we start writing the paper? What is the minimum amount of sources for this assignment? What kinds of sources should be included? How is an annotated bibliography different from a standard bibliography? What kinds of information will be included as part of the annotated bibliography?

III. The APA Annotated Bibliography: Explained
Click here for an example of a well-done annotated bibliography from an ESL 115 class last semester. After taking a few moments to analyze it's structure, let's take a moment to view this ppt that discusses the importance of writing bibliographies, the utility of the annotated bibliography and it's essential components. A review of the information from the ppt can be found on this handout.

IV. The APA Annotated Bibliography: Practice (Part I)
Now, with a partner, take a look at the bibliographic information provided for four source on this worksheet. Organize the information correctly, according to the instructions provided in the ppt and handout from part three (1st: "Citation", 2nd: "Summary, 3rd: "Relevancy Statement" and 4th: Reliability Statement). Finally, note if any of the entries is incomplete as well as the specific information that is missing.

V. The APA Annotated Bibliography: Practice (Part II)
Using the sources we selected in class last Thursday, I would like you practice creating citations and writing short (4-5 sentence) summaries. The articles we chose are below: 

Please use this sheet to keep track of your answers. Before we start, let's watch this short video on how to summarize.

Remember, you only need to provide the correct APA citation and the summary of the information contained in the source. Remember: the summary must be in your own words. There should be no 'copy-pasting'!

VI. APA Reference Page Citations
Finally, let's take a look at this ppt that covers some more detailed information about how to format our reference listings according to APA style rules. Finally, let's practice using the last two examples on this handout.

Housekeeping Details and Homework for Thursday (10/31/2013) 
-Finish the relevancy chart that you started over the weekend. It should be completed for all five sources by Thursday.

-Create APA reference citations for three of your five sources. Please save these citations to the same document where you have your reliability statements saved, following the ordering/formatting instructions we talked about in class today.

-Do two of the three exercises in "Writer's Help" entitled "Exercise: APA Documentation: reference list 1, 2 and/or 3". As always, you need at least an 80% to get full credit on the assignment.

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