Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 22: Finishing the Annotated Bibliography

Today is the last day of class that we'll spend discussing the Annotated Bibliography assignment. Here is a review of the requirements for the assignment: 

-A minimum of five (5) sources (three of them should be "academic" sources and the other two should, at the very least, be "reliable")

For each source, you will include: 
           -an APA citation
           -a source summary (4-5 sentences minimum)
           -a source relevancy statement (4-5 sentences)
           -a source reliability statement (2-3 sentences)

The final draft of your Annotated Bibliography is due on Monday (November 11th) by 5pm. You will be asked to submit your work via SafeAssign. I will give feedback to you on one of your completed entries by tomorrow at 5pm. I will also hold my usual office hours from 3-4 on Monday in case you find yourself with any last minute questions. As always, if you are unsure about something over the weekend, feel free to send me an email.

An outline of today's class can be found below:

Finishing the Annotated Bibliography: Questions, Formatting, Consolidating and Peer Review

I. Reviewing the Requirements
What are the assignment requirements for the Annotated Bibliography? How about length requirements? What is the minimum number of sources that should be included?  Let's take a look one more time at this example. Also, here is the link to the assignment rubric I will be using to grade your final submissions. *Note: plagiarism will not be tolerated on this assignment and will be met with a failing grade. 

Finally, I noticed that many of you haven't written your relevancy statements yet, which may or may not be due to some confusion as to exactly what's being asked of you, so let's view this short ppt about formatting the annotated bibliography and what kind of information should be included as part of your relevancy statements.

II. Formatting the Annotated Bibliography
Let's take a few minutes to properly format the work you've done so far. Open up your Dropbox folder and please follow these formatting instruction so as to compile all the work you've done into one document. 

1). Open an MS Word Doc 

2). 'Copy' and 'Paste' the title page with all your personal information that we created for the Diagnostic Analysis assignment. Don't forget to change the title to "Annotated Bibliography".

3). On the next page, you can begin 'copy/pasting' your Annotated Bibliography work into this new document. It should take the following order:
          -APA Citation
          -Summary (4-5 sentences minimum)
          -Relevancy Statement (4-5 sentences)
          -Reliability Statement (1-3 sentences)

4). Save your the new file with the title, "Annotated Bibliography_YourName" and upload it to your Dropbox folder (in the "Annotated Bibliography Work" sub-folder)

III. Peer Perception (Training)
Have you ever done peer review? What was it like? What did you enjoy/find useful? Was anything unenjoyable or not helpful? Today, we'll be doing some peer review in class, but before we begin we'll be doing some training. Let's start by looking at this sheet that asks you to judge how helpful certain elements of feedback are. Here are a few common mistakes that people often make when peer reviewing.

IV. Peer Perception 
Now that your work is properly formatted, we are going to spend some time doing some peer review. This way, your classmates can give you feedback on your work up to this point before I give you my feedback. As always, the more people able to take a look at your work and offer suggested improvements, the better the finished product! We will be using this handout to frame our peer perception work.

Housekeeping Details and Homework for Tuesday (11/12/13)
-Your final Annotated Bibliography assignments are due on Monday (11/11/13) at 5pm. Please submit the assignment via "SafeAssign", which can be accessed from your Compass 2G accounts.

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