Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 21: Source Summary

Today we will be talking about how to write summaries for each of your sources. This is the last component for your annotated bibliography assignment. After today, you'll be ready to complete your annotated bibliography. Here is a review of the requirements for the assignment: 

-A minimum of five (5) source (three of them should be "academic" sources and the other two should, at the very least, be "reliable")

For each source, you will include: 
           -an APA citation
           -a source summary (4-5 sentences minimum)
           -a source relevancy statement (4-5 sentences)
           -a source reliability statement (2-3 sentences)

The final draft of your Annotated Bibliography will be due next Monday (November 11th) by 5pm. You will be asked to submit your work via SafeAssign. 

An outline of today's class can be found below

Summarizing Sources

I. Brainstorming
What is a summary? What are the major parts of a summary? How is a summary different than a paraphrase? Why summarize? Why include a summary as part of an APA Annotated Bibliography? 

II. How to Summarize 
We've already viewed this video on summarizing. Now, let's look at summarizing from a different perspective. After the video, we'll explore this presentation to get an idea of how to summarize. The ppt outlines a "recipe" that you can follow to "prepare" a good summary every time! Finally, here are some additional guidelines to help you to write a complete summary. 

III. Practice Summarizing (Part I)
Now you are ready to work your way through this handout. You can work on it individually or with a partner. It is a step by step approach to preparing a complete summary of this article. After you finish, you will be asked to compare your summaries with a different person/pair. 

IV. Practice Summarizing (Part II)
Read this short article on using technology to make teaching more efficient and interactive. When you finish, do two things: 

1). Find (and highlight) the sentence that contains the main idea of the article
2). Write a short summary of the article 

V. Workshop Time
Any remaining class time will be dedicated as a workshop period for you to continue writing any and all components of your annotated bibliographies. 

Housekeeping Details and Homework for Thursday (11/7/2013)
-Write summaries for three of your five sources. I will give feedback to you on one of the summaries you've written. The first sentence of each summary (the topic sentence) should include the following four pieces of information: 1). title of the source, 2). author, 3) date of publication and 4). the main idea of the source. The topic sentence should be followed by 3-5 sentences that outline the supporting points. 

-Finish your summaries from class and save them to your Dropboxes (we will start class on Thursday by comparing them). 

-Final Annotated Bibliographies Due Next Monday (11/11/2013)

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