Today we'll be finishing our discussion on how to best integrate quotations and paraphrases into your writing. After finishing this discussion, we'll transition into a discussion about how to write an effective conclusion, a skill that is deceptively tricky to acquire. Before we delve into our discussion, let's take a moment to review where we've come from and where we're going:
Unit 4 Lessons
4.1 (11/12) In-text Citations
4.1 (11/12) In-text Citations
4.2 (11/14) Source Synthesis
4.3 (11/19) Paraphrasing/Quoting
4.4 (11/21) Introductions/Conclusions
4.5 (12/3) Formatting/Review/ICES
4.6 (12/5) Catch-Up/Peer Perception
4.7 (12/10) Individual Conferences
As you can see, after today, we only have two more class before individual conferences (which are mandatory). Please review this document to view the draft deadlines for your final paper (as well as an example paper).
The first draft of the first three body paragraphs is due tomorrow at 11:55pm. For these drafts, I'd like you to focus on implementing PIE-C structure to your paragraphs as well as integrating your sources via quotes, paraphrases and summaries.
An outline for today's class can be found below:
For Part 1, please view the second half the lesson from Tuesday (Day 25)
Part II: Writing an Effective Conclusion
I. Brainstorming
Take a look at the questions on this document. Discuss the questions with a partner. After you finish discussing, start adding your answers to the document. Be sure to use a different color font from the one chosen by other groups.
II. Identifying the Common Features of Effective Conclusions
With a partner, take a look at this exercise that asks your to compare two example conclusions and identify three keys features. First, you are to highlight the commonalities and then, you should try and explain how they are similar. Afterwards, we'll share our findings as a class.
III. Application: Brainstorming Your Conclusion
Now let's apply what we've been talking about to your own individual research papers. With the remaining class time, start brainstorming the information you will include in the conclusion to your essay using this organizer.
Housekeeping Details and Homework for Tuesday (12/3/13)
-The first draft of your first three body paragraphs (Solution #1) is due tomorrow by 11:55pm. Again, this is only the first draft. I am mainly concerned to see how you well you've utilized the PIE-C structure and whether you are synthesizing your sources (and citing them correctly!). I'll try to have my comments to you by early next week.
-The first draft of your second three body paragraphs (Solution #2) is due by Tuesday, December 3rd before class.
Please remember that these drafts count towards your final IRP grade (you get full credit for submitting them)