Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day Eight: Formal Academic Style

For those of you keeping tabs on our progress, we've now finished our discussions of EAP essay content (how to determine what goes into an essay) and EAP essay structure (how to effectively organize the information we include in our essay for optimal reader comprehension). Today we will be talking about some of the stylistic conventions used in EAP writing. While not as important as the information you choose to include in your essay or the way that you choose to organize that information, stylistic choices help make your paper more engaging and readable. An outline of today's lesson can be found below: 

Academic Style, Advanced Punctuation and Basic Formatting Rules

I. Brainstorming: What kind of language do you use when talking to your friends? Do you use the same language with your parents? How about with your professors? If there is any variance, why do you think that is the case? (our discussion about 'audience' and 'purpose'). 

What are some examples of colloquial (slang) words/expressions? Can you say the same thing in a more formal (academic) way!

II. The Rules of Formal Language
Let's take a look at this short overview of the rules of formal language. While you watch, take a look at these questions: 

-"Who" are the FANBOYS? What should we remember about their use in academic writing?
-Is it a good idea to use phrases like "I think..." or "I believe..." in formal academic writing? Why or       
why not? Can you think of any exceptions to the rule? 
-Elaborate on the use of contractions in formal writing. 
-Does addressing the reader help make your writing more academic and persuasive? 
-Elaborate on the use of pronouns in formal academic writing. 

III. Review: The Elements of Academic Style
Here is a short review of the major elements of academic style. There is also a short practice at the end. For more information, check out the link titled, "How to Maintain an Appropriately Academic Tone" in the Class Links list. 

IV. Advanced Punctuation
One of the ways to ensure your style is appropriately academic is through the correct use of some more advanced punctuation. Let's take a look at this overview. Afterwards, I'd like you to do numbers 1-10 on this worksheet. If you so choose, you can complete the worksheet for 5 points of extra credit on the Diagnostic Assignment grade (it will be due on Tuesday as well)

Here is a funny look at using semi-colons from the web comic, "The Oatmeal".

V. APA Formatting
Finally, we will talk about how to format our essays using APA style formatting rules. First, let's all format a title page for the Diagnostic Assignment. Following this example, open a new MS Word document and create your own title page. Then save it to your Dropbox. Be sure to include this as the first page of your final work! 

Now, let's review some of the basic tenets of APA formatting. Complete this survey with a partner. Some questions ask you to modify the sample paragraphs, which can be found here. Then we will go over the answers as a class. 

Housekeeping Details and Homework for Tuesday (9/24/2013)
-Diagnostic Analysis Paragraph #6: Academic Style In a short paragraph (no more than 300 words) answer the following questions: looking at the first paragraph of your original diagnostic analysis essay, answer these questions, making sure to connect your answers to the material discussed in class. 

-Is the language complex and precise? If not, what specific changes can you make to achieve these goals?
-Is the tone formal enough? If not, what specific changes can you make to improve it? 
-Evaluate your use of advanced punctuation through the first paragraph. Do you use it effectively? Do you use it at all? 
-For the whole essay, is it correctly formatted? If not, how can you improve it?

When you finish, title your file "DA_6_YourName" and upload it to your Dropbox folder. Please do this no later than Saturday, 9/21/13 at Midnight so that I have time to give you some feedback before you decide which three paragraphs to include in your final portfolio.

-Final Diagnostic Analysis Portfolio and Revision Assignment Due on Tuesday, 9/24/13, by 5pm. Please submit this assignment via SafeAssign on the Compass 2G  site. Submit each component of the assignment together, in one document, with separate titles.

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