Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day Ten: Library Day

Today we will have our class in Room 291 of the Undergraduate Library. One of the Graduate Assistants will be leading a session on effective research strategies, as well as an overview of the resources available to you through the UIUC UGL. I will put up the links to the material that she covers in her session on this post after today's class.

Library Links

Avoiding Plagiarism (cont'd)
After our library info session, we will continue talking about plagiarism, this time focusing on identifying plagiarism and trying to explain what exactly constitutes plagiarism. We will do this by completing this activity. 

Housekeeping Details and Homework for Tuesday, 10/1/2013
-Watch these two videos on plagiarism: Avoiding Plagiarism: Part 1 and Avoiding Plagiarism: Part 2. Then write a short reflection (around 300 words) where you answer the following questions: what is plagiarism? Why is it important to avoid plagiarism, both personally and in a more general sense? What are some strategies for avoiding plagiarism? How are  these strategies similar? How are they different? 

When you finish, save your file with the title, "PlagiarismReflection_YourName" and upload it to the "Reflections" folder in your Dropbox. 

-Come to class with two good possible topics to write a research paper on. They should be appropriately academic and not too specific. We will use these topics to start our discussion on how to choose a good topic for your individual research papers.  

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